
Active Muslims in Germany

Boundary work and legitimacy dynamics in the context of social and civic work

  Context Considering the frequently discussed role that religion, particularly Islam, plays in the context of integration, identity and participation, …

Crosscutting Religion. A survey of (migrant) religious intergroup relations in the Ruhr area of North Rhine-Westfalia, Germany

  Context In Germany, the late acknowledgement of being a country of immigration coincides with a growing visibility of and …

Diaspora-Hinduism 2.0

Cultural memory and transformation processes of 2nd generation Srilankan Hindus

  Starting Point "Home country: Germany feat. Sri Lanka". With this ascription many Tamils who were born and grew up …

Lived religion of Latin American Pentecostals in Germany. A pragmatic analysis of religion

  Context To date, the immigration of Christian migrants to Germany has scarcely been discussed, both in the scientific debate …

Mediative migrant churches?

Interorganizational networking and civic potentials of Christian Korean communities

  Context The pluralistic religious landscape of North Rhine-Westphalia is primarily the result of a long tradition of immigration to …

Representative Mosques and networking

A study of the relationship between the social networks of mosque communities and mosque-building projects in North Rhine-Westphalia

  Background Islam is the largest minority religion in Germany, a fact that has led to the development of about …